
Showing posts with the label friend

Oh My Friend | The single parent

 Disclaimer: Any resemblance with anyone is not intentional maybe coincidental  After leaving her in-laws home .. read what happened in her life.. After a month of arguments between both the families over phone, She was finally sent an expected gift by her husband, the divorce papers.She was not happy while signing them but she felt it was the better option to leave that family since they have that type of thoughts... Finally after a battalion of misfortunes, a ray of hope arrived in her life. She became a mother to a cute little girl.The reason for her being alive till date was now in her lap. She found the ultimate peace not only because she became a mother but because she finally won the battle against her husband and her in-laws.She found that she was actually a strong woman who fought for herself. She felt proud of herself and realized that her source of strength was her daughter. But the spring was far behind for her. The society made it miserable for her to live. Though her pare

Oh My Friend | The beginning

Disclaimer: Any resemblance with anyone is not intentional maybe coincidental  Years after they got separated from each other because their school  life came to an end, they met each other face to face, shook hands, hugged each other and greeted each other with teary eyes. At one end, eyes were full with tears of happiness because he was seeing her standing in front of him after a long gap of 15 years. On the other hand, a pair of eyes were actually burning with tears because after a long gap of fifteen painful years, she found someone who could listen to her subsided pain and console her. She finally found someone who could understand her pain truly. Yes, she was longing for words of sympathy, love and consolation for the last seven years. Finally, She got her friend back.Both of them were best friends, and a Teacher and Student...Yes U heard it right, She was a teacher and he was a student of her and Best friends. It is an obvious belief that girls and boys can't be best friends

Foolish Street |The Conclusion

 This is the conclusion part of " Foolish Street" Later that evening the businessman came to know of this other person who had made fool of his other clever employee. He was worried. Who were these men, making the brightest employee of mine looking stupid for them? He decided to go around the street in disguise to try and catch the people who are trying to fool his employees as he walked near the street end, he found a girl sitting there with a heap of oranges, waiting for someone to buy them. The fruit seller had chosen the loneliest spot, so the businessman was suspicious. ‘Why are you selling your fruits here?’ he asked. The fruit seller was Kusuma. She pretended to look nervously around and answered in a whisper, ‘Sir, I have heard some clever cheats are roaming around the street wanting to cheat shopkeepers like us and one of the leading businessmen in the street. I have heard one will be walking by this way soon, so I am waiting here hoping to catch him and deliver him

Who is your Best Friend?

Once there was a little boy Kamal who wasn't very friendly but popular in his class. He wasn't friends with everyone but some people in his class. There were some People who didn't like the popularity of kamal . He was very kind and would always be busy with his works and he was ready to help anyone . He used to felt very bad that he don't had so many friends at school and in his neighborhood. On Friendship day, their class organized an event, in which everyone had to make three presents and give them to their best friends. Kamal was very sad for coming friendship day and he wasn't expecting gifts from his friends. However, when all presents were shared among classmates. He was only one who hadn’t received any present. He felt terrible and cried a lot. He thought to himself that how is it possible. He had made so much effort to be friends with everyone and making so many friends but in end no one think of his as one of their best friend. Everyone came and tried to c

Office Love Story

Disclaimer: Any resemblance with anyone is not intentional Sakshi is an easy going girl who is independent in nature and doing job in a reputed MNC in India. She is always well behaved, confident, good at what ever she does and speaks up for herself whenever needed. She is a short girl  with dusky skin . kunvesh is a smart guy, decent looking. He is a person with clear vision of what he wants from life. He is an extrovert. He too is an easy going person in the same office and in same team. He loves sakshi for her personality and always wanted to propose her out but had doubt on how her reaction would be. He wants to propose her in few days. kunvesh :  Hey! sakshi sakshi: Hi kunvesh. kunvesh: It's already 10:30PM, still in office? sakshi: There are some changes to be made to the content I have to present tomorrow. kunvesh: How long will it take to finish? sakshi: I am almost done and will start in 15 minutes. kunvesh: Okay, How will you go? sakshi: I'll take a cab. kunvesh: ahh,

Happy Friendship Day

Let me know why we are wasting time here let's jump into our today's topic  That's Friendship day in India... Happy Friendship day  We all have friends I too had a friend. Let's start  Do you know how a person enters into your life? No, I think you may meet a person with a fight and later on, you may Become Besties forever I think strong bonds start with strong fights because we all fight with our mother strong will while entering the world. When I saw you I don't know that you're going to be the most important person in my life. The day I saw you I still remember your dress which is full hands one, you looked beautiful in it, I think maybe my eyes got some issue because you looked like that day...😅 You know our friendship started with fights and also end with fights...I don't think we will meet again in life... But here I'm going to write about the beautiful days I spent with you... Those were the days that I don't know what is actually meant by fr